During an asthma attach the bodies airways begin to narrow and shut. This causes the brain to panic, and it can be a terrifying experience for both the person and bystanders. Immediate medical treatment needs to be sought if this happens. Steroids through inhalers or nebulizers are often a form of managing the symptoms but do not treat the root cause. Chiropractic care can get to the root cause which is often a miscommunication between the brain and the lungs. Through care many patients can experience less attacks and sometimes relief all together.
Dr. Barnard has found that many patients in coconut creek that suffer with asthma also suffer with upper back pain. This is often due to poor posture and even some traumatic events. The spine will often time have misalignments in the T1, T2 and T3 vertebrae which correspond to the nerves that run to the lungs.
It’s important to know that many external factors can cause an attack to happen. Knowing and avoiding these will greatly reduce the risk of having an attack. Allergens, cigarette smoke, stress, sudden temperature changes, exercise and food can be factors which cause an attack.